Get Live from Strength for Yourself
Get Wayne Ottum’s groundbreaking book Live from Strength and experience the power, confidence, and personal fulfillment that comes when you discover your unique gifts and define and live a life of direction, purpose, and authenticity. In this book we will guide you every step of the way as you discover the incredible power already within you, define a clear vision of the life you deeply desire, and build a plan to achieve it that is true to you and your unique desires. Isn’t it time you lived to the fullest? Isn’t it time to Live from Strength™?
Experience the Personal Growth Challenge™
The Personal Growth Challenge™ is our foundational coaching service designed to guide you to live an extraordinary life when you Live from Strength™. This all inclusive process gives you the challenge you need to discover your unique gifts (strengths) and authentic self, to clearly define what you desire most in life, and then it guides you to create a life plan that’s right for you. Through a clarity of direction, a defined purpose, and a set of personal values you will be compelled to take confident action and live a live that is truly extraordinary! This affordable one-year coaching and mentoring program provides one-on-one guidance with Wayne Ottum, creator of the Live from Strength™ methodology and author of the book Live from Strength. Click Here to find out more or if you are ready for the challenge and live an extraordinary life, Click Here to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.
Free 60-Minute Consultation
Discover the POWER of…
– Using your unique gifts to drive the success you desire…
– Acting each day with intention, purpose and integrity…
– Living a more joyful and fulfilling life!
Whether you simply want to take your life to the next level or you have a pressing personal performance issue, get clear, practical advice from Wayne Ottum, creator of Live from Strength™ methodology, with a FREE, no obligation consultation. YOU and your life are the focus of this consultation, and Wayne will guide you to discover and implement the answers you seek. Answers that are in alignment with you and your authentic self!
Access Exercise Examples
To access example completed exercises for the Personal Growth Challenge™ process as found in our book Live From Strength, click here to send us a message and we will send you the passcode. Already have the passcode? Click Here. Want the book Live from Strength, click here to buy now!
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