Wayne Ottum delivers thought-provoking, impactful presentations using the powerful and effective techniques found in his books, workshops, and consulting. He has educated and entertained audiences across the country, leaving them feeling empowered, energized, and motivated to become extraordinary.
To download his speaker profile, click here. To contact him to speak to your organization or group, click here.
The following dynamic seminars, workshops and presentations provided by Wayne are designed for organizations and associations whose members are people who desire to take their lives of those of their organization to the next level of success and become extraordinary. Click Here to contact us for more information or to book Wayne to help make your next organization or group event extraordinary.
- Embracing Your Talents™ for Ever Greater Personal Success: Our success depends on how well you can utilize our unique gifts to create that success, to serve others and create a fulfilling work/life balance. Are you in touch with your unique gifts? Do you know your unique talents, learning style and natural motivations and how to use them effectively to create success and fulfillment? Discover the confidence to act with intention, using your unique talents to create ever greater success in your life and career! Length: 30 minutes (presentation), 1.5 hours (seminar) or 4-8 hours (workshop).
- The Personal Growth Challenge™: If you want your business to grow continuously and profitably then you need to consider ten key questions! Are you ready for the challenge? How will your company stack up? This seminar will guide you to explore your answers to the ten questions and how you can improve your answers to take your business to the next level to achieve the success you crave? Length: 1.5 hour seminar.
- The Personal Growth Challenge™ Workshop: This six-session workshop guides you through the Personal Growth Challenge™ process to create a personal plan for ever greater personal success and fulfillment that comes with a clear personal vision, a purpose aligned to your unique gifts, and a set of values that drive decision-making and gives you the tools, techniques and information needed to for continuous growth. Length: 6 1.5 – 2.0 hour sessions over 3 weeks. Also available as a one-year coaching plan.
- Embracing Your Talents™ Workshop: Imagine an organization where individuals and teams know and understand their unique strengths and how they can use them every day to create value for those you serve. Imagine being able to effectively manage staff and volunteers and get more results with less effort. Imagine harmonious relationships based on respect, trust and appreciation. Now imagine living it in your organization. This half- or full-day workshop will guide everyone in your organization to embrace their talents and respect the talents of others, creating greater productivity and teamwork. Length: 4.0 or 8.0 hour workshop. Also available as a one-year coaching plan.
Want to make your next event extraordinary for your members, clients or guests? Click here to book Wayne. You, and those you serve, will be glad they did.
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